
HSC endeavors not only to acknowledge the genealogical and historical work of hereditary societies themselves, but also the efforts of special individuals active in those groups. These individuals are men and women of character and dedication who have been deemed worthy of special acknowledgement.

In determining prospective Honorary Members, the Council considers the following elements: society leadership, membership, service, tenure, personal character, and life-long accomplishments.

Each year, a class of new Honorary Members are nominated, elected and inducted. Suggestions are welcome, although the HSC Council chooses the Honorary Members for this honor.

A retiring President General of the Society of the Cincinnati; a retiring President General of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution; and a retiring President of the National Gavel Society, (if he or she chose to join the Council, when eligible), as well as any retiring HSC Council or Cabinet Members, are automatically elected to the annual Class, for the year in which they retire, in addition to the living Honorary Members inducted that year.

There is no fee, nor dues for Honorary Members. Each new Member is listed on the Annual Honor Roll, and receives the highly coveted HSC plaque, and a personal web page, linked to their name on this website, if they so desire. The Honorary Member listings remain a part of this site in perpetuity.

Below is a complete listing of all Honorary Members, listed by surname in alphabetical order. Click on a name to visit each respective Honorary Member's personal page

Richard Bender Abell*
Pearl Gurkin Riggan Adamson
Laurie Ann Cornwell Aldinger
Juanita Sue Pierce Augustus
Richard Stephen Austin
Alexander Nicholas James Bannerman
Jacquelyn Dee Gilliam Barnes
Dixon Adolph Barr*
Timothy Field Beard*
Henry Lyman Parsons Beckwith
Carole Jean Drake Belcher
Betty Jane James Bernstorf
Philip Wendall Bernstorf*
Gabrielle Maupin Bielenstein
Joyce May McGehee Bockemuehl*
Lloyd de Witt Bockstruck*
Marguerite du Pont de Villiers-Ortiz Boden*
John Mackintosh Bourne
Caroline Bowen*
Julian Victor Brandt
Eva Gillette Mingea Brown*
J. Orton Buck*
Linda Gist Calvin
Lawrence King Casey
Michael Harrison Charles
Maurene Gayle Mast Coan
Tracy Ashley Crocker
David Ralph Curfman*
Thomas Pelham Curtis
Henry Darlington*
Henry Jackson Darst*
Helen P. Poindexter DeVoe*
Grace Fisher DeuPree
Richard Curtis Deyo*
Ann Turner Dillon
Peter Arrott Dixon
John Fredrick Dorman*
Anna Boykin Ferguson Duff
Sarah Jean Owen Dunaway*
Matthew David Dupee
Jack Jones Early​*
James MacDonald Edwards*
Thomas Clifton Etter.
Lea Sinclair Filson
Timothy Christopher Finton
Eugene Arthur Fortine*
Carter Branham Snow Furr*
Patricia Ellen Gallagher
Duane L.C.M. Galles
James Bronson Gardiner*
Ann Scott Garner
Susan Bolton Young Gray
David Lawrence Grinnell*
Ann Daniels Hallgren*
Lowell Varner Hammer*
John Robert Harman
Keith Graham Harrison
Deborah Whitmore Hicks
George James Hill
John Mauk Hilliard
Sarah “Sally” Inez Wood Hlavay
Anne Carter Baldwin Holle*
Richard Dwayne Hollis​
Edward Charles Horton
Lila Burner Housden​
Sidney Hughes*
Warren Robertson Hull
Sumner Gary Hunnewell
William Pfingst Carrell II
Thomas Edward Jacks
Jay Wayne Jackson*
Andrew Martin Johnson*
Charles Owen Johnson*
John Hallberg Jones*
Jeannine Sheldon Kallal
Leslie Ann Kirk
Peter Irving Channing Knowles
Patricia Porter Kryder
Philip Robert Livingston
Marilynn “Lynn” Alice Mast Long
William Pless Lunger
Douglass Mather “Tim” Mabee
Henry Clinton Mackall*
Rebecca Howard Madsen
Fritzi Ysabelita Lillian Kranz Martin*
James Whitney Marvin
Kleber Sanlin Masterson
Stewart Boone McCarty*
Karen Elizabeth McClendon
Barrett Lee McKown*
Mary Genevieve Forbes Morse*
Nathan William Murphy
Kimberly Kay Ormsby Nagy
Lewis L. “Ted” Neilson
DeEtte DuPré Nesbitt*
Eleanor Beasley Smallwood Niebell*
Robert Fillmore Norfleet
Carla Lucille Whitehurst Odom
Charles Robert Odom*
Frederick Ira Ordway*
Susan Frances Pierce Patterson*
Donald Roderick Perkins*
Ross Gamble Perry
Margaret Jean Whittington Pigott*
Charles Bryan Poland*
Jane Routt Power
George Forrest Pragoff
William Young Pryor*
Laura Dean Ramsay
Leslie Vander Meulen Richards
Douglas Richardson
Cheryl Whitt Rios
Kenneth Duane Roach
Bonnie Davine Moore Roberts
Martha Todd Barker Roberts*
Doris Grace Rosalie Roth*
John Griffin Richardson Rountree
Betty Kathryn Keener Samaras
Michael Perry Schenk
Jacque-Lynne Amann Schulman*
Russell Cecil Scott*
Stephen Payson Shaw
Dr. Brenton Simons
Grahame Thomas Smallwood*
David Carline Smith
Sandra Hendrick Staley
Sharon Kaufelt Stine
Catherine McCreary Strauch
David John Stringfellow
James Ewell Brown Stuart*
Michael Scott Swisher
Nathaniel Lane Taylor
Gail Ann Thomas
Neal D. Thompson
Mary Robin Redfearn Towns
Martha Ellen Wright Tozer
David Martin Trebing
Patricia Jane Scruggs Trolinger*
Denise Doring VanBuren
George Tully Vaughn*
Robert Pond Vivian
Presley Merritt Wagoner
Janet Butler Walker
Albert Clinton Walling
Shelby Dean Ward
Linda Tinker Watkins*
Marlene Rathbun Wilkinson*
Jonathan Tufts Woods
Sharyn Kelley Worrell
Richard Morgan Wright
Merry Ann T. Wright*
Lynn Forney Young
Herbert Keyser Zearfoss*
Jerry William Zillion