It is a privilege for HSC to list and promote appropriate, active societies on our website. At the same time, it is necessary to implement reasonable guidelines for the inclusion of new societies proposed for a listing. Therefore, the following guidelines must be met for approval:

  1. The Society or Order shall have been in existence for a period of no less than five (5) years prior to submission.
  2. The Society or Order shall have no less than one-hundred (100) members at the time of submission.
  3. The Society or Order shall be national in scope; meaning that, although the majority of the Society or Order's activities and members may be from a specific geographic area, or the Society or Order bears a name referencing a state or city, its membership must be open to individuals from all fifty states, (possibly named as non-resident members).

Furthermore, the HSC Advisory Council may, at its discretion, refuse to list any society it feels to be inappropriate. If appropriate, the guidelines above may be waived in certain cases.

Thank you for your submission.


Add your community in our panel by filling some basic details in this short & easy form. Your details will be kept confidential

Membership Requirements

(a) Choose one

(b) Choose one

Image files including society insignia should be sent separately to the HSC webmaster.
All applications for society listings must first be reviewed and approved by HSC. This process may take several weeks.